DAO Deep Dives

Exploring Decentralized Autonomous Organizations in depth!


DAO Deep Dives is a podcast where your hosts Sven Hermann and Solve Maxwell explore the depth of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. Interviews with DAO Founders & Core Contributors as well as everything around DAOs like DAO Tooling Providers, DAO Lawyers and more.

Sven Hermann

Solve Maxwell

Meet the hosts

Brought together by their passion for crypto & web3 Solve and Sven have shared many a conversations over the years. The finally decided to join forces with this podcast and share their passion with the world.Sven has previously worked on collaborative concepts for startups with principles borrowed from OpenSource and OpenCollaboration. Fast forward a few years he found his passion reflected and implemented in DAOs. He since has spent most of his time exploring and contributing in the DAO space.Solve has been in Crypto since 2011 and is a DeFi aficionado in the truest sense of the word. He has been involved in multiple NFT and DeFi projects over the years. He both supports, advices and invests in the web3 space and is eager to explore DAOs as one of the industries promising 'verticals'.

Apply to be on the Show

Are you a DAO Founder, Contributor, Lurker? Do you have an organization on the periphery of DAOs, or are a service provider to DAOs? We would love to talk to you. Apply here to get on the show.

Our Channels

You can watch or listen to DAO Deep Dives on any of these channels.

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